Recent content by otonx

  1. O

    RPA Challenge - Fastest Times...

    it is possible if you using execute javascript
  2. O

    Excel OLEDB - Connection String - Does not conform

    check this
  3. O

    Environment Locking in Automation Anywhere

    It is called Lock Handle in Winautomation.
  4. O

    2GB+ software

    Workfusion is veary heavy and slow. It use Java and PostgreSQL. Uninstall immediately.
  5. O

    How do I split a text value by the TAB Char

    if BP accept regular expression to split string, use \t as the split value
  6. O

    How to use distinct option in Query

    Please send screenshot of the error here.
  7. O

    How to use distinct option in Query
  8. O

    Collecting Unique and Duplicate data in Excel

    You can run sql query on excel Example : SELECT [PO],[Product], sum(Qty) as quantity,sum(`Line Item`) as lineitem from [Sheet1$] group by [PO],[Product] Excel Connection String : Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=%excelfile%;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=yes";
  9. O

    Oracle Database Connection

    Maybe you did not install the oracle ole driver yet in your machine. Or try this solution
  10. O

    Unable to connect to the remote server

    If you use gmail, you have to turn on Allow less secure apps to access your Gmail account
  11. O

    Last Date of the Month

    vb script Result = DateSerial(Year(Now), 1 + Month(Now), 0) Wscript.Echo Result Wscript.Quit
  12. O

    RPA Challenge Exercise in Automation Anywhere

    Solution : Example custom css for textfield First Name div:has(label:contains("First Name")) > input
  13. O

    Convert to euros dynamically
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    Remove alphabets from Alphanumeric field and restricting the length of digits to 5

    Dim var1 As String = "SAMY1456170911" Dim var2 As String = Mid(Regex.Replace(var1, "[^0-9]", ""), 1, 5)
  15. O

    Solved Version 6

    BluePrism V6 DataSheet :