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  1. M

    Assisted Automated License

    NICE APA has two licenses assisted and unassisted. Assisted licensed is per user (assuming that one user in given time frame works only on one machine). In general such license are used for automation which assist human in their work. Unassisted license is per machine - generally VM.
  2. M

    Best Practices when creating a new project

    We use bit different approach. For each application we create app_ui dproj containing SE, BE, BL needed to work with this application. It exposes set of functions and properties needed to work with this app. There is developer responsible for each of them. So we have here some basic building...
  3. M

    How to Save Outlook Attachments with NICE APA

    Make sure that result of "if" statement is true. Just display a callout in inside this "if" statement. You need to create BE - list of Outlook Attatchments Assign to this list result of methodGet attachments from ReceivedEmail Next make a loop (For each) and for every attachment call method Save...