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    Write collection in excel

    Hi All, Any idea on below error while writing collection Via blueprism ERROR: Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
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    Json to collection out of memory exception

    Hi , Any one encountered out of memory exception while loading the Json to collection skipping array
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    Configure web api in version 6.4

    How to configure post web service in version 6.4
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    Fastest way to copy paste sheet oneworkbook to another with large size data

    Fastest way to copy bulk data from one workbook sheet to another workbook sheet using Blueprism
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    Extract Email From the string

    "Requires TEST (TL*) to be created - e-mail to ACTION Team (XXXXXXlog@gmail.xx ) to add user to this group" I have to extract XXXXXlog@gmail.xx from this string. Using extract regex value or any other way.