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  1. G

    Record response time for a website

    Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to record the response time for a website using Blue Prism. Lets say if am launching - Bot should be able to capture and store the response time taken to load the google page. Please let me know if anyone has done the similar capturing before.
  2. G

    Copy and paste data fom Exel file to Access Database tables

    I am trying to copy data from an excel file and paste it in the Access database table. I tried to launch the DB as windows application and was able to launch it and go to next empty cell. But was not able to paste the data using spying. Do we have any alternate method to achieve this!
  3. G

    Append Excel data into a new Excel file

    I have a requirement where we get 5 excel files into a shared drive. Each excel has like 14000 records in it, All we have to do is get all the data from all 5 files and append/paste the data into new excel file (Template). I was able to do this task using MS Excel VBO with less records like 4000...
  4. G

    How to launch multiple URLs in a single object

    Hello All, I started working on a new application where I need to launch 10 to 15 URLs and read the values from every page. Is there a way to launch all the URLs in a single object? please let me know.
  5. G

    Taking a screenshot and comparing it with other screenshot

    Hello everyone, One of the teams in our company are meant to give PROD support and they want to implement BP. Basically they will have the screenshots(1) of the application from business on how it should look. Once the maintenance is completed, they will take the screenshot(2) again and compare...
  6. G

    Replacing one column values of a collection to an other collection

    Hello Everyone, I have a collection with columns names as Fund ID, Fund Name, Date and Fund Full Name. The values in them are (for example) 1811, FTSEDev ETF, 11/6/2018, VAG Canadian Long-term bond. 1904, Canad corp, 11/7/2018, VAG...
  7. G

    Unable to write last working day in the application

    Hello, I am working on an application where I have to fill in some form on an App. Here I have issue with the calendar. I need to fill in the last working day in the calendar. This report runs everyday. I am able to get it but when it comes to the end of the month.i.e, i ran the process...
  8. G

    Utility - Collection manipulation in BP

    I am trying to filter the data in two excel sheets(E1, E2) based on ID, Date and Hours. If their is any data that is matching, it should be deleted from the collection and I will use the unmatched data for further processing. I did this using decision stage, comparing single row of E1 with...
  9. G

    Utility- Collection Manipulation

    I am trying to filter the data in two excel sheets(E1, E2) based on ID, Date and Hours. If their is any data that is matching, it should be deleted from the collection and I will use the unmatched data for further processing. I did this using decision stage, comparing single row of E1 with...