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  1. J

    how assign Data Types for data columns in CSV file when import the same to Excel?

    Hi, I did it this way as I don't need to have different formats at every column. I guess you can change the code to work with input collection with formats. My code isn't perfect as it solves the exact situation and not the general need. I hope it helps Jiri Dim dw, ds, dr, qt As Object Dim...
  2. J

    How to attach Excel (opened by SAP)?

    Hi, That didn't work as Excel opened by SAP isn't part of any Instance within Blue Prism's reach.
  3. J

    Get last day of a month

    Hi Camilla, This should work, If you want to pass Month and Year as inputs: AddDays(AddMonths(MakeDate(1; [Month]; [Year]); 1); -1) 1) Make Date "1 - Month - Year" = creates the first day of month because of hardcoded 1st day 2) Add Month "1" to get next month's 1st day (in general you always...
  4. J

    Try to attach a opened excel file but failed

    Hi, I have same issue with SAP and auto-opened excel after saving the report (so I am lucky that it is saved). The only thing I came up with is to Kill Excel aplication and open it again with BP. Which doesn't help you. Yet I hope that every file which get open (not saved) is run in some...
  5. J

    calculating first day of the last month

    Hi Olga, this one works for me: FormatDate(AddMonths(Today(); -1); "01.MM.yyyy") 1. Today() 2. AddMonth -1 to get the last month 3. FormatDate to 01.MM.yyyy to get always the 1st day Hope it will work Jiri
  6. J

    Blue Prism Copy Columns from one Excel File to another

    Hi, it depends what you copy. Writting from collection is ussually very slow to me because I copy a lot of data. I have no clear answer for you. You can try to copy the whole column Range1 = A:A. I think the workbooks must be visible as well >> use Show before copy Make sure you get right...
  7. J

    How to attach Excel (opened by SAP)?

    Hello everyone, is there a way how to attach the excel which gets automatically opened by SAP when robot is saving report as spreadsheet? But the Excel isn't opened within the RPA Excel instance... So far I kill the excel process and open the excel again but it doesn't feel right, especially...
  8. J

    Excel comparison

    I haven't applied it myself before but one way might be this. Have robot to: 1) Create a new sheet 2) Put formula EXACT to A1 in the new sheet; it will return TRUE/ FALSE statement Formula: "=EXACT(Sheet1!A1;Sheet2!A1)" 3) Copy this formula to the whole range of your data 4) if you just...
  9. J

    Collection Filter Problem

    Obviously not your case, but I got stuck with other problem which took me a while to solve. Column name which you want to filter must NOT have any spaces or any special characters. So you need play with column headers first.
  10. J

    Excel Macros on multiple Worksheets

    Hi Adil, as far as I know, you can use a code stage with variable inputs but I found writing code in Blue Prism very difficult because of different version of VBA code and also debugging is very difficult as you cannot step through the code. That's why I usually work with two excel files...
  11. J

    Remove alphabets from Alphanumeric field and restricting the length of digits to 5

    I was not able to get the solution above working but it has lead me to this idea :) General number extraction from text (=doesn't follow all aspects from the original issue described by rpadev1) 1. create code stage with input "InputText" and output "OutputNumber" 2. paste the code below: Dim...
  12. J

    From Excel to collection

    it looks more like work for Excel Power Query to combine all excels into one table. Have a robot just to refresh table to get new data from new excels and load final table into collection. :) It will be waaaay faster.