window identifier

  1. D

    when and how to use "Window Press Keys" Key action

    Hi Everyone, I want to know about "Window Press Keys" action. How to use and when to use it. Is it similar to Global send keys? This action is available for the element type "Window"
  2. D

    Identify the browser to continue the automated process instead of wait stage

    Hello Everyone, See if all of you could help. Right now, BOT will go to Bank Website (google chrome) to download the bank statement. We are putting "Wait Stage" around 20 seconds because we do not know the exact loading time. Any possible solution instead of "Wait Stage" to identify the...
  3. M

    Blue Prism 6.4

    While working with write stage (BP v 6.4), am getting "No window identifiers were specified" error. Can anyone help?