Any way to get the resource PC that is shown in the Work Queue


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have a process that is running on several machines and I want to generate a report that has the names of the resource PC that took the item from the work queue.

but I don't find any action that gives me that data.

thanks in advance if anyone have any information


Active Member

I believe that option doesn't exist by default in BP.
A workaround is to add the action "Get the machine name" from Utility - Environment and add the output to the item data.


Hi , You can use sql query to find our all resources and insert data into excel /mail body into HTML format.

Vbo- [Data-SQL server]

Action - Execute and sql query

Select * from BPAReaources

Kindly let me know in you need any help


New Member

Vimal25: I asked my team and they told me that unfortunately I don't have access to execute queries on the Blueprism database :confused:

I think the only option left is what gil.silva says to create a column when creating the item data that says which machine is creating the item

Thanks for the help :)