Choice stage for data in collection

Hi All

I used a dynamic element to capture the links and stored them in a collection. If I have to use them in a choice. whats the workaround.

Choice A : /HTML/BODY(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(2)/UL(1)/LI(2)
Choice B : /HTML/BODY(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(2)/UL(1)/LI(3)
Choice C : /HTML/BODY(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(2)/UL(1)/LI(4)
Choice D : /HTML/BODY(1)/DIV(1)/DIV(2)/UL(1)/LI(5)

In the Data Element ("Data 1") I will have either A/B/C/D. My collection has only 1 row named "links" under which the above links are stored.

In a different page I want to use a choice and deal further accortindly any suggestions please