Choice stage with variable number of choices


New Member
Trying to create a VBO that accepts a collection of choice conditions as well as html path values. Then a choice stage inside that will allow for any number of choices passed to it. I need to loop thru my collection and use that choice stage to process each row.

Do I just need to make it static with the max number of expected choices and then an otheriwse that ends the choice if I get less than the number of choices I setup?

Trying to make this VBO the backbone of a operation and would prefer to not have clones of the page because of different number of choices I need to loop thru.




Active Member
The choice stage should contain a separate path for each condition you would expect to encounter. The path of the first condition that is true will be followed. Evaluation of the conditions is done left to right on the flow diagram (top to bottom on the choice config page). If none of the defined conditions is true, the Otherwise stage will be processed, and it can either throw an exception or follow a path you define for it.