Dynamic Wait for OR condition

I would like to wait for windows popup disappears after to going on with process and I've set up as you can see in the image. My intention is Wait "win-popup" OR "win-popup-txt", because no always one of those windows came up, depending on how fast is the process ... my setup does not work.
Can you suggest me a solution for that ?


  • Dynamic_Wait_Check_2_Win.JPG
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I'm rather confused, but I hope this make sense or could help clear up what you want to do.

From your picture you're checking if "win-popup" OR "win-popup-txt" DOES NOT exist.
I'd suggest you check if "win-popup" OR "win-popup-txt" DO EXIST - Then proceed with whatever you want to do.

Or do you actually want to check if "win-popup" OR "win-popup-txt" is no longer on screen? If so it sounds very messy. Are there any other things you can check for and or wait on?

You're saying "because no always one of those windows came up, depending on how fast is the process" Say one of the windows show up before the other this will then make the process confused as it already checked for X and went to check Y, but when checking for Y, X now is on screen.

I suggest you do 1 wait stage to check each window individually.
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Exactly, I push a button and process start and it show me
- the first pop-up which say "Please wait ... "
- after a while the second pop-up-txt which say "Processing Order ... (this order number every change) " ...
Sometime the first pop up it's not showed or appears just for a while ... and / or the second one appears instead of ... just for sure the second one will exist for a certain time ever.
So I have setup a static Wait to get time to appear the first pop-up OR the second one. This is what I mean.
Attached the spy elements, could you please tell me if that is correct ? maybe there is the error there ... Thanks.


  • popup.pdf
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Have you tried increasing the wait time for checking if the pop-up exists?

Can you confirm that you're able to highlight these pop-ups with your currently ticked attributes?

If so I would suggest the following if you can't get your current solution to work.

Do a wait stage with "win-popup" - check exist - true
If true; make an action to close it or whatever you have to do to the pop-up.

Then do the same for "win-popup-txt".
Hi, I dont' have to close it I have just to wait it disappear and that means it has created an xls file with the report expected . That why I'm checking if it doesn not exist .
Hi, I dont' have to close it I have just to wait it disappear and that means it has created an xls file with the report expected . That why I'm checking if it doesn not exist .

Have you tried increasing the wait time for checking if the pop-up doesn't exists?

Can you confirm that you're able to highlight these pop-ups with your currently ticked attributes?


I build a few processes with same issue. After you push the "start" button, make a dummy sleep (max wait time before the pop-up shows up) than make a wait stage where you check if the pop-up dont exist, and again a wait stage if the next pop-up dont exist. You need to trim this to your proces but I have made this happen in a rather complicated proces.
Hi Serbem, robinjens1,
solved as attached in the picture:
1) dummy sleep
2) dynamic on first popup
3) dynamic on second popup.
Split the Waits helps to see where it fails . Thanks.


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