External Table is not in the expected format ...Error while using OLEDB in Blue prism


New Member
Hi Experts,

I am using OLEDB in my process and running the process in 3 different bots. and getting the below error in two bots for reading same file.

External Table is not in the expected format

strange thing is, one bot is throwing the error while reading the sheet1 and another have read the sheet1 successfully but failed while reading Sheet2.

I executed the process again on same bots. This time 2 bots were successful but 3rd failed with same error while reading another workbook.

Connection String : Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = FilePath;Extended Properties='Excel.12.0 Xml; HDR=Yes'

i checked the excel version on all the three bots and version is same. i am not able to find the exact issue here. I need your help