Solved File Management - Download File (Webclient Request Error)


New Member
I'm attempting to grab a file from a URL, I have the link to the specific file including the filetype in the Source URL, and a valid Destination Path set.

When running, I am getting the error below. I've checked for errors and nothing comes back. Any ideas what I should check or what to try?

"Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: An exception occurred during a WebClient request."


New Member
Does anyone have an example of this vbo action working? Is it the website throwing the error, or is it something else?


New Member
What if you look at latest code for VBO if it's properly coded or see the port if it's used by another application (eg:- Skype)


New Member
Figured it out. This action has inputs named "URL" and "Path".. Turns out that "Path" is intended to also include the file name at the end of the actual filepath. I assumed it would have retained the filename for the URL provided, but it does not.