How to avoid adding duplicate values in a workqueue in blueprism?

Balaji R

New Member
I add a 100 unique values to process in workqueue. Mistakenly, i added same values again in a wokqueue. Now, workqueue contains 200 values. How to remove or avoid adding duplicates in a workqueue.


Well-Known Member
Hi Balaji R,

If you haven't done any processing on the queue yet then you can mark exception/remove all of those items in the queue and have a fresh 'Add to queue' reload.

If the 'Add to queue' is run more than once then it will keep on adding items to the queue those many times. Perhaps you could take a look at the actions available in the 'Work Queues' VBO and use them to check if the queue already contains any data (for eg; Get Pending Items or even Get Next Item).


New Member
While doing duplication check by "Is Item in Queue" it would be consider extra spaces and any special characters to validate, does it casesenstive