How to get last day of previous month?


New Member
I would need to get last day of previous month and insert it to excel. How do I get this date in AA?


Well-Known Member
Hi jvuorela,

If you are in any case going to insert it into Excel then I would suggest directly making use of the in-built Excel formula.

By "last day" if you meant the name of the day then the formula is: =TEXT(EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1),"dddd")
which will return Monday

If you meant the date then the formula is =EOMONTH(TODAY(),-1)
which will return 30-04-18
You can format the date as required.

Insert the above formula starting with the = sign in the Excel you are working. Once you get the result in the cell then you can store it in any variable and delete/clear the cell value containing the formula.