List message from the mail box using Email-POP3/SMTP


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am trying to list my messages in collection from my outlook using Email-POP3/SMTP ,am getting an error stating "
Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: hostname cannot be empty
Parameter name: hostname" ..can anyone tell me where should I give the hostname and tried using MAPIEx also got error as "Internal : Could not run the object because one of the code stages has a compile error" ..can anyone help me on this.


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am trying to list my messages in collection from my outlook using Email-POP3/SMTP ,am getting an error stating "
Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: hostname cannot be empty
Parameter name: hostname" ..can anyone tell me where should I give the hostname and tried using MAPIEx also got error as "Internal : Could not run the object because one of the code stages has a compile error" ..can anyone help me on this.

I am getting same error please help me