Solved Preserve Exception

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Well-Known Member
Hello Ramya,

A very basic idea of the Preserve feature in the Exception stage is as below:

Suppose a Calc stage has a calculation as X/Y and Y is initialised to 0. This is a clear divide by zero error.

- In an Exception stage when the Preserve tick box is not ticked (default behaviour of Exception stage), then the 'Exception Type' and 'Exception Details' boxes are left blank for the developer to fill in which allows to generate a customised exception. Meaning, a new exception is generated than the original one.



- When the Preserve box is ticked, then the original exception that was generated by the Calcs stage is preserved and re-released even though you used the Exception stage to raise a new Exception.

The textboxes get disabled as soon as you tick Preserve.

Showing the original exception preserved from the Calcs stage

However, be noted that this is just a general idea and there is much more to it depending on where/how you use it, whether a Resume is used prior to the Exception stage or not. In certain situations there are certain things like if the Preserve is not ticked then the original Exception of the Calcs stage is still active even though the one shown is the customised one and needs to be handled accordingly else could result the diagram in an infinite loop.
So for other things there is a specific guide called 'Exception Handling Training guide' on the BP portal and I suggest you to go through it. It contains an explanation of when to or not to use the Preserve feature.
Thank you VJR for your reply. I understood the preserve exception by your answer to some extent and also i will go through the training guide in the BP portal.:)
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