RPA Workfusion adds random numbers and letters


New Member
Hey Guys,

i need your help!
I am a working student with semi IT knowlegde. We use RPA Workfusion to copy data from excel sheets to our backend.
Therefore we get the cell values, give them variables und let RPA type key strokes from the cell values.
Suddenly RPA started to add a few numbers and letters to one specific cell. I dont know where they come from and could not find any hints by searching the excel sheet.
When i use a placeholder, instead of the cell values the random numbers and letters dissapear. So the problem might be somewhere between excel and RPA.

I hope you understand what i am trying to say und would love to receive some help.

Thx a lot!


New Member
thank you for your answer.

For example it changes the phone number "17197434326" to "1.7197434326E10". So the dot at the beginning and the E10 at the end are aded.


New Member
This is Excel exponential format for long numbers. You can reformat them into Integer numbers using Number format - Reformat string action.



New Member
Hey Alesia, thank you so much! This might be the solution.

Now i just cant find the action number format. Can you tell me where i can find it?


New Member
This i strange! My Variables group just contains the first three actions. Number Format and Date Format are missing.


New Member
You must be using an old version, these actions were added a couple of months ago.
You should update RPA Express to use them.