Test Regex Match


New Member
I would like to check, if the name of the file contains string. Problem is, that it can be: Abc OR ABC OR abc.
Could you help me, how I can create this condition in Regex Pattern?
Thank you



Well-Known Member
Hi kristina,

I'm trying to give you some options. Can you elaborate a bit more.
Do you need the file names containing a text string to be accepted or rejected?
Also what are the rejection strings (no text in filename?) and what are the accepted file names (only numbers and other special characters?) ?


New Member
Basically I have a loop through sheets and I need to identify those, which have (Abc OR ABC OR abc) string in the name. It could be random name (with numbers or chars like _-/.,: ...) but the string above is there somewhere. usually I use 3 Test Regex for each one separately but I am curious if it could be done in one step.


Well-Known Member
Hi @kristina, glad to know you were able find out an alternative solution. If you prefer you could post your solution for someone else's benefit with a similar requirement before closing the thread.