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  1. D

    when and how to use "Window Press Keys" Key action

    Hi Everyone, I want to know about "Window Press Keys" action. How to use and when to use it. Is it similar to Global send keys? This action is available for the element type "Window"
  2. D

    Unable to read the text in different page of pdf

    I have pdf of 19 pages. I have to extract the Name of Candidate from 1st 5 pages. I'm using Region mode to extract page number and Candidate Name. But I'm only able to read Name from 1st page. Next page onward reading fails. "Unable to match window to read name" How to resolve it. Please...
  3. D

    Does Blue Prism support Python language?

    Hi, Whether Blue Prism support Python language? Or just VB & C# If Yes how it can be integrated.