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  1. R

    #REF! error in column with vlookup after deleting cell referenced in the vlookup

    I have to delete/clear the data in a certain worksheet range and paste new data in the same range. I'm using the Delete action then Copy and Paste Worksheet Range action in the MS Excel Extended VBO. In the same worksheet, there is a column with the vlookup formula referencing a cell which forms...
  2. R

    How to Paste Special an Image

    I need to copy a worksheet range from one workbook to another and paste special this as an image/picture in another workbook. I also need to paste the worksheet range into an email body. Could you please tell me how to go about this in blueprism.
  3. R

    Save a workbook not opened by blueprism

    The Excel file is opened by an application and not by blueprism. When I attach and then try to save the file to another location using the Excel VBO, it is saved in a new instance resulting in the new blank workbook being saved instead of the already opened workbook. Can anyone please tell me...
  4. R

    Run a batch file with security warning pop-up

    Hi I have to run a batch file. I'm using the Start Process in the Utility - Environment vbo. I then get this security warning message. Do I have to spy the Run button to execute the batch file. If so, how do I spy without having an application or what application do I have to create in the...
  5. R

    Click button in excel

    A button on an excel worksheet saves the worksheet into a text file. I created an excel object and tried to spy the button in Region mode. It finds the button but not clicking on it. Please help me find the right solution to click the button. PS. I also considered creating the text file in...
  6. R

    Writing and reading a field on a Java application

    I have been using most the Region mode of spying the elements on this application. When writing data into a field using global send keys, blue prism writes incorrect data at times. I then followed it with a Read stage to check if the correct value was inserted, the incorrect value is also read...
  7. R

    Copy the contents of multiple text files into excel worksheets

    I need to copy the contents of several text files into an excel workbook but on different worksheets. After I copied the contents from Notepad, I want to paste this into the excel worksheet. I could either keep the worksheet open in the previous step or have closed the workbook and re-open it in...
  8. R

    File Management

    I need to get files that were created today and move these files to another folder. Can I use the File Management Utility to get the files and put a filter to only copy those files with a 'Created' date of today? How will I do this?
  9. R

    Format excel data

    Hi I am quite new to this so please bear with. I am bringing in a .csv file into a Collection for input into an application. One of the columns (Unit Price) is in a format using a dot seperator eg. 2.16. The application requires this data to use a comma seperator i.e. 2,16. How do I convert the...