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    Auto Login in Citrix Virtual Machine - Automation Anywhere v11

    Automation Anywhere v11 not able to Auto Login to Citrix Virtual machine. Note: The Virtual Machine is in Locked State
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    AAE was unable to unlock or logon onto the machine

    Getting below error in Control Room when we schedule and Run the Bot from Control Room in Automation Anywhere with virtual machine closed ,Locked or Logged off Error : AAE was unable to unlock or logon onto the machine
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    Object cloning and Manage windows control not working when vm is disconnected

    @VJR Could you please let me know if steps to be follwed for AA Client installed inside Citrix machine
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    Object cloning and Manage windows control not working when vm is disconnected

    Also,Please note that AA client is installed inside the Citrix virtual machine.Do we need any different approach to run as Scheduled Bot without opening the virtual machine
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    Object cloning and Manage windows control not working when vm is disconnected

    Thanks for reply. I can use the above points when i trigger the Bot manually by logging into virtual machine. In my case I am scheduling the Bot from control room.So I am not opening the virtual machine. Bot is getting triggered.However both object cloning and manage windows control are failing
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    Object cloning and Manage windows control not working when vm is disconnected

    Hi, object cloning and Manage windows control not working when Vm is disconnected. It is working fine when the vm is open and failing when vm is locked or disconneted. it also failing when Bot is locked or disconnected during the scheduled Run time
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    Close application Forcefully like TaskKill in Automation anywhere

    Hi, PLease let me know how to Close application Forcefully like TaskKill in Automation anywhere. or Please let me know how to execute a command like Taskkill in Automation Anywhere
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    Connecting Automation Anywhere and Chatbot

    But I need some input parameters from Chatbot to proceed with task. Is it possible through WebServices?
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    Connecting Automation Anywhere and Chatbot

    Hi, We are trying to integrate Automation Anywhere bot and Chatbot. Bot has to be triggered based on the response from Chatbot.PLease let me know how this can be done through API calls or any other options Thanks
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    Insert and Update query Syntax for updating excel which is used as database

    Hi, I have used connection string to connect Excel as database. I am to use the select query on the excel data. However I am not sure about the syntax of update and Insert query for excel. Kindly share the syntax for inser and Update query to be used for excel
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    how to make chrome the default browser when Running?

    Hi Yasir, Use the inbuilt EXECUTE Command Function to launch chrome.exe and give the URL u want to launch as parameter.
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    Count of Variables in List in Automation Anywhere

    Hi, Is there any way to retrieve the count of values from List Variable in Automation Anywhere.