read image

  1. K

    How to copy Table with Rows and column as image(Region mode) and load it in collection or excel file?

    I've tried with Read with OCR action, still I couldn't copy all the rows and load it to collection or excel.
  2. B

    How do I store an image into an image data item instead of manually importing it in Blue Prism? I need to automate it.

    I am Using Google Vision API to extract some data from some images. But the problem is that I need to manually import and assign the image file each time in the image data item for each time. How to get the image data item get automatically assigned by image path or something like that. Please...
  3. S

    Blue prism - Get values of dynamic images

    Hi, I would like to get robotic an application, using Blue Prism, that manage some documents; every documents is different and does not exist a template. Per each item, the document is uploaded like an image. What I have to do is, open the image and get value of some fields. Is it...