Solved Adding collection fields / work queues


New Member
Hey everyone,

I´m stuck at the "Consolidating Exercise" from the Blue Prism Foundation Course.

1. Import a csv into a collection (4 columns: product code, price, quantity, cost centre)
2. Load queue from the collection (-> Data Items) --> the column names in the collection are generated automatically
3. Work through the work queue and place orders within the order system
4. Now I want to update the data within the queue for each item -> add 2 fields "Order reference" and "Total price"

Do I have to specify each column from the csv PLUS my two new fields in the collection?
Isn´t it possible to ADD fields to the automatically generated columns in the collection? (from point 1)
Is there a best practice for such problems?


New Member
Q1.- Not necesary that can be a way to do it, other way is to just make a new collection with 2 columns and fill it with the order reference and total price of each event, then at the end just copy paste the collection at the end of your csv, or the way i did it when i took the course i was setting the cell value during the event using the action on the object.
Q2.- You can add Columns to a collection, yes, but i dont know what you mean with automatically add them.
Q3.- not sure about this but i would recommend you using the new collection and copy paste it at the end


New Member
Automatic Fields: When you define a collection stage without fields and fill this collection stage with the action "Get next item".
You will get in the "Current values" tab automatically columns which you can access via expressions.
This columns set I want to extend with 2 more columns - total price and order reference. Afterwards I want to update the corresponding data entry in the queue with the two columns.

I want to do this without a workaround with a csv-file or excel. This should be possible without this.


New Member
I could resolve the problem by myself.
Using "Utility - Collections Manipulation" you can append new fields to the collection stage. Extend the columns with calculated fields and save within the queue.

Rani Katle

New Member
Hello everyone,
I have a assignment that summation of elements of two collections and store result in 3rd collection.