Blue Prism Environment Variables - using inside another Environment Variabl


New Member
I would like to see if it is possible to create an Environment Variable (such as [Server Path]) and then use that as a part of other Environment Variables. That way if the main server path gets changed, but the subdirectories remain the same, we only have to change one EV, and not many.


You can't do this within the EV itself unfortunately.Without knowing the detail of your process it's hard to say but can you not manage use of these EVs from the process in a way that means you can still just change the one and it carries on working.

e.g. in your process you use [ServerPath-EV]&[subdirectory-EV]

in this instance if only the server path changes, you won't need to change the above in your process and you can just change the 1 EV.