Can we work with Multiple PDF's using BluePrism


New Member
Can we work with Multiple PDF's using BluePrism.

I have a Folder with 10 PDF's and need to extract the information from each PDF and process into Application.
I know we need to launch and spy the PDF file and select the required elements using application modeler, but the question is can we apply the same elements applicable for remaining PDF's as well ?


Well-Known Member

If you need to fetch the contents of those pdfs from the same location for every pdf then you can make use of the same element.
Below is an example of how it is done using Region mode
Working with Pdf

I've found success using this way and hence can suggest you the same. Also do search out for some posts on the forum to see if there are any alternative ways to do so. Eg; I read in some post that if it is a text based pdf it can be converted/exported to a text/excel file and then worked upon too.