Solved Get Files in Utility - File Management


New Member

Has anyone come across an issue with the Get Files internal utility - I'm using the get all files utility and in the outputs the folowing items are required:

- Success : Flag
- Message : Text
- Files : Collection

When I try to manually create the files collection or auto generate the collection I get the error:

"Internal : Collection name must have [ and ] around it"

When I add the [ and ] click ok and go back into the data item - the brackets are no longer there no matter what I try...

Anyone know what this could be or how to get around it?



New Member
It was an error on another data item within the action - Blue Prism was throwing the wrong error. Quotes were missed on a text data item!


New Member
I had the same issue and Ciara's solution was the same as mine. The Output collection was fine, but I had missed a " from the Patterns CSV Value in the Utility - File Management Get Files action.