Solved Looping the collection of 10 records in Excel sheet using the Blue Prism

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New Member
I have excel file that has 50 records. I would like to take only 10 records and save to collection stage and then looping for remaining records .Could you please help me to resolved the issue..


New Member
@RDawson9 sorry for the confusion!!

This is the scenario -

1. I have a excel sheet which has for example : 100 records.
2. I also have an application which can process only 20 records at a time.

I'm trying to automate this process using Blueprism, where the application should automatically pick only 20 records from excel at one time, does the processing. then the application should go back to excel, pick another 20 records and process them. - should work as a loop.



You could copy all of the records from Excel to a Data collection. You then could copy one row from the Source Data Collection to a Target Data Collection. As you copy each row, use an incremental count to check if you've copied across 20 rows and remove the row from the source Data Collection. Do this 20 times and then process your Target Data Collection.

Or you could use the Utility - Collection Manipulation object (Copy Rows) to achieve a similar functionality and copy 20 rows at a time?

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