Not able to Spy field in Web page


New Member

I have been asked in an interview on spying. say for ex: in the web page there are three three fields like customer name, Account number and Customer address.
I am able to spy customer name and customer address but could not able to spy Account number, used all the three modes like Win 32, HTML and AA mode.
But still could not able to spy the account number?

Any solution for this on how to spy the account number?



New Member
Hello Harish,

That really depends on how the current element is rendered. Does the element have a unique ID? Does it have a unique value or attribute you can indentify it by? Did you try placeholder? Did you try wildcards? Dynamic content? If none of the identifiers are set when you spied the element, the solution would be to actually extract all fields and identify the element you want to reach. For instance; if that current page has three input fields, you would want to loop through items until you go to the Account Number field (denote this by field's index on collection?).

I hope this helps,



New Member
Hi donatmeh,

I do not know much details about the field because it was asked in the interview. i don't think the Account number filed is unique. So as per my knowledge we can use application navigator, which gives a tree like structure and then then we can select the field and gets the attribute. (I may be wrong, but just a thought)

the solution would be to actually extract all fields and identify the element you want to reach. How to extract all fields (sorry if it look silly, since i am new to BP)



Well-Known Member
Hi Harish,

Donatmeh is right in that that it depends on how the element is identifiable using BP.
You can make use of Match Index, Match Reverse, Dynamic Match, even 'ordinal' attribute can be used to detect an element.