Recent content by medbouk

  1. M

    Remove Blank rows

    Hello all! Here is my situation...I have a Word file, and i want to remove blank lines in this file using BluePrism, Any ideas? Thanks, Medbouk
  2. M

    an error occurred while attempting to import the release blue prism

    When i try to import Release from BluePrism 6.0 to BluePrism 6.6, i found this error (an error occurred while attempting to import the release blue prism , l'entrée n'est pas une chaîne base64 valide car elle contient un caractère non-base 64 blue prism), Is there a solution?
  3. M

    Get collection field

    Hello, I have a collection named ToDate, and it had 1 column named Column1, i want to get the value of the second row, so i try [ToDate.Column1.Row(1)] and it doesn't work, What can i do?