Recent content by NathanRuiz

  1. N

    Excel - String Search

    This happens when the value is not found A simple fix would be setting the find in a object and checking if it is nothing before getting the reference Ie. Dim cell as object Cell = find(....) If not cell is nothing Cell.activate Cellref=GetInstance(handle)Active cell.Address(false,false)...
  2. N

    Excel - String Search

    Hi shameer, Unfortunately this will result you only the first occurrence, what you can do is put this code inside a loop and use the cell reference you get as the AFTER input in the find function, this will give you the next occurrence, you can keep looping until there is an exception thrown...
  3. N

    Excel - String Search

    Anyone using this code? I've got the following error: Public member 'Find' on type 'Range' not found.