Recent content by Rajeshdey92

  1. R

    How to find the Average of bottom 10 cells in excel

    Use will work fine
  2. R

    Convert Excel File To Pdf

    Use the below vbscript.. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'BUTON CONVERSIE PDF - ANGAJATORI 'DESCRIPTION: CONVERSIE A UNUI SHEET IN PDF Dim ThisRng As Range Dim strfile As String Dim myfile As Variant 'Selectie Sheet pentru conversie Application.ScreenUpdating = False...
  3. R

    PDF: Extract Form Field not working

    You can use OCR ,then do string operation to get your desired output..
  4. R

    Moving cell values elsewhere within Excel

    Please use excel macro in that case..
  5. R


    Please use if windows exists for your target will work
  6. R

    Port Number & Host Name

    Are you using Vb script?? If not please use vbscript it will resolve your problem
  7. R

    Excel Macro is not working when run by BOT runner

    What is the error you are getting??