Queue Management, Schedule and Environement variable: how to keep clean when going big.


New Member

We have been using RPA for about 6 month now. I think we are doing great and are getting good value out of it. Right now we have about 25 process in production. Every process use its own work queue.As time goes by, our RPA dev team is getting bigger and we are making more process into production every month. I am afraid of how we will handle all the queue, schedule and environement variable when we get to the point of having 200 process or more? I cant believe blue prism does not have a folder option inside the queue mangement... Any tips or reading I could do for such problem?

TLDR: How to handle VERY large number of Queue, schedule and environement variable


Active Member
Hello DFugere,

Congrats on your team achievements.

There's a couple of best practices/tips which can be followed to have a clean/organized environment:
  • Naming convention: using naming convention can make a huge impact to properly maintain big environments, this approach should be used in the queue naming (e.g. P038 - Export reports Salesforce); environment variables (e.g. ENV - P038 - Salesforce path ); schedules (e.g. <machine name> - P038 - Mondays 08:00 - 14:00); Credentials (P038 - Salesforce);
  • Maintenance File: an excel file with multiple sheets describing the processes schedule, credentials used, robot accounts, etc.. it's very useful to have an overview of the environment since Blue Prism is very limited on that.
  • Group processes and queues: as you mentioned, Blue Prism is quite limited in terms of data structure, but it's still possible to group processes in folders (by business area or such) and also the queues.
  • The queue items should be deleted every X months, to avoid memory problems
I believe that if you follow this and other rules, you can keep a clean and organized environment in your Blue Prism DB.