Solved BPASessionLog_NonUnicode Archivation


New Member
Hi all,

Does someone know what it contains besides of Logs that can be archived in System -- Archiving tab?

Even if we archive all of the processes we have a lot of MB in that table, that are not being reduced even after full archivation of the logs.

May I know if there is a different way to clean completely that table?
Could you please share the SQL command and the consequences on doing so?

Thanks a lot for reading!


New Member
Fixed by deleting from that table directly from the database, it looks like Blueprism is not archiving everything.

The SQL code is as simple as:

delete from [yourdbname].[dbo].[BPASessionLog_NonUnicode] where sessionnumber<10000 (you have to define where to stop so this number should be changed)