Communication with roles / Users


New Member
Hello guys,

My question is: "If i have two types of user (with roles and permission different) AND i put some logins with passwords inside (can be a collections with texts) of the each users :
-User 1:
-text1: login = xxx- pass = yyy
-text2: login = aaa- pass = aaa
- User 2
-text3: login = bbb- pass = bbb
-text4: login =ccc- pass = ccc

Q1- In this example, User 1 have access to info in the User 2?

Q2- And if they has the same permission?


Active Member
Hello londher,
If you use Credentials, they can be configured by user/process/environment, then you can only authorize certain users to access the credentials.
It won't be about the user roles, but about the Credential settings.