Attaching business object

I am unable to attach a business object as i am working with web application. Can anyone please help me...means what i have to give as inputs in navigate stage, i have tried with window title and process name. But it is not attaching.


Well-Known Member
Hi Mullapudi Ramya,

What have you tried so far that is not working. Which parameters did you use for the Attach and what are the values you gave to them? What is the title of the webpage and what did you give. Were there any wild cards used? What was the process name given? Some sort of screenshots would help if you are able to share them.

Did you try all of the parameters at once or separately - Meaning - first try with only window title - then process name - then window title and process name - then maybe child index. All sorts of permutations and combinations.


Well-Known Member
Ok good to know you got it worked out. So then you might want to share what options and which combinations worked so that someone having a similar issue and lands up on this thread can then implement your solution.
I got the issue while am attaching an object with another object.Then i gave the window title with wild card nd window process name nd child index.
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