Design help for Collection to text comparision and saving the matched data


New Member
Hi All, I need help in designing my process where I have below steps

1. I have 5 Master files which are Excel and have different data in each file
2. I have Input PDF files X number which has different data in each file
3. My requirement is I need to check few columns in Master file if there are present in Input PDF file. Based on that I need to add comments on my PDF.(Each Master file search criteria would be different)

Approach 1.
1. All the 5 MAster files would be moved into Collections
2. All PDFs are converted into Text files.
3. Need open each Collection of master file and based on the search criteria search that data on Text ( I need help here on how can we search the data from collection to Text, if data found I need to set a flag and at later stage at that search point I need to add comment in PDF)

Or is there any better way keep in mind the performance also so that we don't open PDF for every file.