Downloading Outlook Attachment Files


I'm trying to download attachments from outlook using Get Received Items(Basic) the bot is getting images that are in Body as well which is not desired how to avoid this. I just want the files that are attached in the attachments field of the mail.


Use Regex and extract the excel file names.

The output collection of Get Recieved Action is expected to have an column named [Attachments] which has all the attachment names seperated with | symbol.

I.e, |abc.jpeg|abc.xlsx|fun.jpeg|

If your requirement is to download only the excel file use regex to extract the excel file name and save it.

For saving file use Save Attachment action and pass Entry ID & Attachment names as input parameters.
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I just save all the attachments to the folder, get files with utility object and delete all except ones with extension "*.xxx" (that i need)