Solved Empty all values inside the excel sheet without deleting the sheet


Well-Known Member
Hi rpaccount,

Not quite sure since the title of the thread says removing (deleting) the rows and columns, but the matter in the post is about emptying all the cell values. Below is to clear all cells (not deleting rows and columns).

You can simply copy an empty cell and paste it over a range of cells that need to be cleared.
In below case it is copying an empty cell Z1 of Sheet 1 and pasting to cells ranging from A1 to D50 of Sheet 1.
This clears all the cells from A1 to D50. You can even find the last row containing data and use that data item in the Destination Range.


Sukesh Kumaru

Active Member
Here comes the Perfect Solution for deleting all cell values on specific Worksheet without deleting workbook.
Challenge here is finding the last cell reference to delete.
Sample Workbook which contains 43 rows and last cell reference is "F43" find this value dynamically.


Selecting the cell reference range and deleting and saving it.