Extracting Dynamic Text Data


New Member
Is there any way to extract dynamic value from the text? Please find the request below:

Value from where text/number needs to be extracted- " 7859.67 343.43 6755.89 435.09"
Value to be extracted from above text- 7859.67
after every value there is a space in between them, I need to remove all initail spaces and the other data after the 1st space of required text (7859.67)

Is there any way to accomplish this extraction

Note- Everytime i need to extract the content before 1st space (Here- 7859.67) and this value lenght is also dynamic. Please assist


Well-Known Member
Regex best suits your requirement, regex pattern is - "^\s(?<firstTest>\d+\.\d+)\s"
Use 'Extract Regex Values' action from Utility String VBO in your process/object.

Pattern Explanation: Starts with a space and extracts the numbers before first space.


New Member
Following are the steps can be accomplished using multi calc stage:
1.Trim the Text value " 7859.67 343.43 6755.89 435.09 " and store it in a Variable called "A"
2.InStr([A]," ") - this function helps in getting the position number of the 1st blank store it in the variable say 'P_no'
3. Left([A], P_no) will give you the 1st Value