how to get latest date in the two date inputs

Hi Team,

I want to get latest date from the given two dates using BluePrism how can i achieve this.

Date format consist like below.

Date1 : 10 Jan 2019
Date2: 20th July 2019

from above two dates i want to get only one date that is latest date 20 July 2019.


New Member
Hi Ventaka,

You can check what date is latest with a calculation stage, looking for the biggest value.

20th July can not be converted directly into a BP date, so you will need to clean the date first.
Something like: ToDate(Replace(Replace(Replace([Date1]; "st"; ""); "nd"; ""); "th"; ""))

View attachment Ventaka.PNG
Hi Venkata,

If you do string operation to set rid of "th" then you can you date diff function to analyze which one is latest..
