How to spy cmd using blueprism


New Member
i am trying to spy cmd while attaching through application modeller it is not launching properly.....
"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" this path is not working, it is not able to launch the application
Please help!
Thanks in advance,

Rsr chandu


New Member
Hi ,

Did you try launching it using "Utility - Environment::Start Process"?.
For attaching to cmd window use window title and child index parameter.


Active Member
Hello c1996,

If your idea is just to run commands in the command prompt, you should use Utility - Environment | Start Process, as mentioned above.
In the input argument, depending on what kind of command you want to execute, you should 'google it' how-to for example, print a word document by command line since the commands are application-specific.

Let me know if you need more assistance