Object reference not set to an object


New Member
Hi guys,

when my process is attempting to load an activity page in our software, we get the below error:

ERROR: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Navigate to Activity URL' on page 'Go To Activity URL' - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

What we are doing, is adding the Activity number to the end of a set web address and making blue prism navigate to it to load it. But when we run it from the control room, it exceptions out. When we run it through the process ourselves it works with no issues.

any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Sukesh Kumaru

Active Member
Could you share me the screenshots of your process's Navigate stage properties, if possible. So that i might solve your problem.


New Member
Hi, am new to Blue Prism, am facing similar issue in Multi Cal stage, the collection has the field names however i get an error and when i evaluate the expression, there will be Object reference not set to an object. could any one of you help me resolve the problem.