Solved Spying elements in Full Screen mode


New Member
Hi All,
When I launch a particular application the login screen appear in full screen mode. I am unable to close or minimize the application until I input the login details and press enter. In such a case how do I use BP to spy the login elements? Thanks for your time and support.


Well-Known Member
Hi Hasipri,

The close and minimize buttons may be giving an issue during spying but even if its maximised are you still unable to spy the login elements?


New Member
Well the thing is there is no close or minimize button in the application. As soon as I Launch the application the whole screen goes to the login screen without any exit, back or minimize buttons. Only options available are to input the username and password and press enter or cancel. I want to spy the login screen elements but I am unable to do so due to the full screen mode.


Well-Known Member
Hi Hasipri,

Can you tell which elements on that screen do you want to spy? Not clear as to when the uname/pwd, enter, cancel are shown then why is it not possible to spy those elements.
Are you having difficulty in switching those screens then you can open half window of Blue Prism and press Alt Tab to switch to your application's window.


New Member
The login screen appear as following. I want to spy the User ID, Password and the buttons. I cant exit from this screen to BP without inputting the User Id and Password. If I am to spy the user name and pw in the following screen, what is the means to do it? Thank you for your time and support.
View attachment loginScreen.png


Well-Known Member
I assume this is a windows application. Spy like a normal application. Give the exe in the application modeller and click on Launch which should open the login screen. Press Alt tab to go to Bp then click Identify and if it doesn't go to the application again press Alt tab. Spy the uname textbox, ctrl left click to exit from the spying and come back to the modeler. Do the same for the password box. Let me know your findings.