What is Tag?

Sukesh Kumaru

Active Member
Hi Aparna,

A Tag is a keyword of term assigned to a Work Queue item as a method of categorizing or grouping that item.

This might be done for the following reasons:

• For Management Information (MI), to easily view or report on Work Queue items with a specific tag.
• For process reasons, giving a Blue Prism process more control over how Work Queue items that are locked and worked.

Examples of tags include:

• Customer Type, i.e. Business, Consumer, Internal, SME, Premier etc.
• Process Work Source, i.e. Web Portal, Call Centre, Financial Advisor.
• Completed Type, i.e. if there are multiple completed outcomes from a process.
• Computer Name, i.e. if an item needs to be worked by the robot that added it to the queue.

NB:Tagging is not meant as a way of recording unique item information, so should not be used for storing information such as a customer’s account number or telephone numbers. Unique information should only be stored in the Item Data.

Sukesh Kumaru

Active Member
Hi Aparna,

Launch is used to launch any application (Web or Windows based) by it's .exe path.

For example:
if you want to launch notepad application use this path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe" to launch it.

Attach is used to attach the running application currently, sometimes you don't have to launch the application by it's path and you want to work with that application before that attach that application to blue prism and start working on it.
By using the Windows Process name or Window title name we can able to attach the application which is already running.

Hope you got required information.