Word VBO: How to put text in footer and change color of it?


New Member
Hi RPA Experts,

I'm a BluePrism beginner and trying to put text in the footer and change its color.

What my object does at the point is just open a designated Word doc, and put text in the body of Word doc, not in the footer, and save it. This happens with Word VBO, not with Application Modeller. Please see the attached.

I'd like to put some objects at the point where the arrow indicates that navigate in Word doc, and click on footer and click on edit footer then put text in the footer. However, when trying to connect objects I made using Application Modeller to actors made with Word VBO, I ran into "Not Connected" error. Can anyone help me make it work? Any feedback or comment will be appreciated.

Thank you so much for your help in advance.


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